Gabrielle Davis & Co

The People Project:
Gabbie Davis

By Ashley & Andrew LeSaicherre | May 1, 2021

Meet Gabbie Davis!

Gabbie is a career and development coach. She is originally from Covington. She has been married to her husband, Mike, for 7 years and they share 3 children, Grace (5), Ruth (3) and Noah (1). They reside in Husser, LA.

We want to thank Gabbie for spending some time with us and letting us learn about her life and family!

Q: What led you to your current career?
A: I was a stay at home mother, and my husband is getting his PhD from LSU, so we needed a way I could work from home. I built a business, Gabrielle Davis & Co where our Mission Statement is “to partner with Christ-centered entrepreneurs to redefine the way they plan, strategize, and manage their business equipping them to create greater impacts through the integration of strategic prioritization and operational excellence.”

It has been fulfilling helping small business owners grow!

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in the area, and what do you like to get there?
A: A restaurant that I don't have to cook or clean, but I love Coffee Rani in Mandeville!

Q: How long have you lived or worked in the area?
A: I have lived in Tangipahoa for 7 years, but in Husser for 5-6 years.

Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: When we got a puppy for Christmas!

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? And why?
A: Anywhere tropical! I am sick of winter.

Q: What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
A: The Breakfast Club is my favorite. I remember seeing Beauty and the Beast in the theater.

Q: What advice would you give to a crowd of people?
A: I would tell a group of entrepreneurs that the most important thing in your business is developing a mission, vision and core values. It builds company culture and keeps the business moving forward.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
A: To visit The Holy Land.

Q: What is your favorite music or an artist/band that you would like to see (dead or alive)?
A: I love Mumford & Sons and Of Monsters And Men

Q: What current or former business makes you the most nostalgic about the area?
A: K&B Drug Store

Q: If you could choose one person to go to lunch with that you’ve never met, dead or alive, who is it and where would you go?
A: St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She's the patron saint of my business.

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique that you love about the area?
A: I love how friendly people are and that they understand the importance of manners.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Having the perfect work/life balance. Having 3 great kids in school and supporting them academically and athletically. Doing Mom things!

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you (even friends or family)?
A: I wear shoes to all Zoom calls!

Q: What is a word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of the word “Home”?
A: It depends on my mood.

Q: If you could have a full-time staff member that is fully paid for, what would that be? (Chef, housekeeper, driver, coach, personal trainer, etc.)
A: Executive assistant for our home. They would cook AND clean.

Q: What is your most commonly used emoji?
A: Party hat man blowing a whistle

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: The ability to fly


Who would YOU like for us to get to know?

We love meeting, knowing, and working with our community, and we love working with homes and all types of properties. Helping our community achieve their goals through buying and selling property is something we consider ourselves very fortunate to get to do. Contact one of our REALTORS® if we can help!