Amanda Hammonds Southeastern Louisiana University

The People Project:
Amanda Hammonds

By Ashley & Andrew LeSaicherre | April 17, 2021

Meet Amanda Hammonds!

Amanda is from Covington. She got her undergraduate degree and Masters from Southeastern and has lived in Hammond ever since. She has been married to her husband, Luke, for 10 years, and they have a dog named Scout.
She has a degree in Marketing and has a minor in Graphic Design, and she has used her education to create designs that make people happy. She has an Etsy shop, which is her creative outlet! Amanda is currently the Assistant Director of Orientation and Events at Southeastern.

We want to thank Amanda for spending some time with us and letting us learn about her life and family!

Q: What led you to your current career?
A: When I attended SLU, I felt a connection to the people and the campus. I was a student worker at the Admissions Office, and I loved it. I knew I wanted to do similar things, but on a larger scale when I graduated.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in the area, and what do you like to get there?
A: I cannot choose one, so here are some of my favorites:

Cena- and I order whatever the special is. The chef there does the Lord's work. At Tacos and Beer I order the carnita tacos, margarita on the rocks and chips and salsa! At Our Mom's I get the Valencia Salad, it is huge!

Q: How long have you lived or worked in the area?
A: 17 years

Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: Canoeing and kayaking with my family. We would also go white water rafting on the Ocoee River in Tennessee. We were hardcore, and someone always fell out of the raft.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? And why?
A: Boston! I have been a couple of times, and I love the history and feeling there.

Q: What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
A: The Sound of Music is my favorite. First movie in a theater was Forrest Gump with my family on a beach vacation.

Q: What advice would you give to a crowd of people?
A: Because I work with college students daily, I have advice for them. If COVID has taught us anything it is that we are all connected to each other. Time is precious. Leave a mark to inspire others to do their best. If you can give your best that’s okay, do that! Everything doesn't have to be perfect. Seize your opportunities!

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
A: To get a PhD in a field where I can better understand people. So, in psychology or leadership.

Q: What is your favorite music or an artist/band that you would like to see (dead or alive)?
A: Elton John- I have had tickets to see him since 2019, but COVID keeps pushing it back. Looks like it will be 2022. I would have also loved to see Queen and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Lady Gaga would be a fun concert, I bet.

Q: What current or former business makes you the most nostalgic about the area?
A: Brady's Restaurant. My mom is from Hammond, and when she was pregnant with me she was having dinner there and her water broke. It is always fun to think that I could have been born at Brady's, but luckily she got to North Oaks.

Q: If you could choose one person to go to lunch with that you’ve never met, dead or alive, who is it and where would you go?
A: Julie Andrews! I would cry the whole time. And I would let her decide. No matter where she chose I would love it, even fast food.

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique that you love about the area?
A: Downtown Hammond. I missed Hot August Nights and Starry November Night last year. It is always fun and a great way to connect with the city and environment.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: I am open to adventure and love the idea of seeing where life takes me. I like being outside my comfort zone, and being pushed to try and do new things. Who knows where life will lead me!

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you (even friends or family)?
A: I am secretly an introvert. My job requires a lot of interaction which I love, but I know I recharge my batteries alone.

Q: What is a word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of the word “Home”?
A: Home is not necessarily a place, but the people you are with and doing what you love to do.

Q: If you could have a full-time staff member that is fully paid for, what would that be? (Chef, housekeeper, driver, coach, personal trainer, etc.)
A: A chef, definitely. I would have eggs benedict every morning.

Q: What is your most commonly used emoji?
A: Laugh out loud crying face

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: Teleportation, so I could travel in an instant. Want to go to Italy for dinner? Done.

Amanda was nominated by Josh Randall and nominated Erin Rode-Fiorello.


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