Emily McKneey Matise Tangi Tourism

The People Project:
Emily McKneely Matise

By Ashley & Andrew LeSaicherre | August 11, 2021

Meet Emily McKneely Matise!

Emily was born in Hammond, and resides in Ponchatoula. She has been a Tangipahoa resident her whole life. She has two older sisters who treated her like a real life baby doll when they were growing up. She graduated from Albany High School and then Southeastern Louisiana University with a degree in General Studies. Emily married Danny in 2015, and they have Coco, a 9 year old standard poodle.

We want to thank Emily for spending some time with us and letting us get to know about her life and her love of the area.

Q: What led you to your current career?
A: I was the Strawberry Festival Queen in 2000, and a local representative asked if I had ever considered the tourism industry for a career. I didn't know jobs like these existed! I graduated from Southeastern on a Friday, and started with the Louisiana Office of Tourism on Monday. I worked there for about a year, and had the opportunity to work with Tangi Tourism. I have been here for over 18 years, and I am the Director of Sales. I love my job!

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in the area, and what do you like to get there?
A: It depends on who I am going with! If I am going with the girls we are eating spinach dip and cocktails at Roux & Brew. If we are going on a date night, we would go to Cate Street. If I want good soul food, I am going to Cooter Browns.

Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: Having Easter egg hunts at my Maw Maw Brown's house. They would hide the pink Easter eggs in the pink azalea bushes. We could spray each other with silly string and we didn't have to clean it up! We also had confetti eggs we would crack on each other.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? And why?
A: Anywhere tropical. I want an all inclusive stay somewhere!

Q: What is your favorite movie? What is the first movie you saw in a theater?
A: Tombstone or The Goonies are my favorites. I saw E.T. with my Mom and sisters a few times in the theater.

Q: What advice would you give a group of people?
A: Enjoy the ride. It isn't about the destination, but the ride.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
A: Visit all the places that my ancestors come from; Ireland, England, Scotland, and Sweden.

Q: What is your favorite music or an artist/band that you would like to see (dead or alive)?
A: I love classic country and 80's bands. I would have loved to see Queen perform live. Freddie Mercury was so talented.

Q: What current or former business makes you the most nostalgic about the area?
A: DNR Hamburgers brings back great memories, but Paul's Cafe is such a classic spot.

Q: If you could choose one person to go to lunch with that you’ve never met, who is it and where would you go?
A: Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks! They seem so down to earth and relatable. We would sit on the deck outside at Middendorfs with cocktails.

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique that you love about the area?
A: I love this parish. The sense of community can't be beat. I love that it takes me 3 hours to go grocery shopping because I know everyone in the store.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Looking forward to retiring. We plan to get an RV and travel the country.

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you (even friends or family)?
A: My Mom swears I was shy when I was young!

Q: What is a word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of the word “Home”?
A: Cozy, comfort. My goal is to have our home be like my Maw Maws. Always having something cooking and welcoming everyone.

Q: If you could have a full-time staff member that is fully paid for, what would that be? (Chef, housekeeper, driver, coach, personal trainer, etc.)
A: Housekeeper who also does lawn care!

Q: If you had to choose one type of cuisine to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
A: Italian. I could eat pizza daily!

Q: What do you do when you are alone in your car?
A: Listen to the radio. On the way to work, I listen to the Johnny in the morning show and worry about all the things I need to do!

Q: What is the last gift you gave and received?
A: Last gift I gave was a Strawberry Festival shirt to my Mom. She is the Grand Marshall this year, so I cannot stop buying strawberry items! Last gift received was sweet red gravy from my mother in law. She makes it very rarely, so it was a great surprise!

Q: What are you known for?
A: Talking a lot and my smile.

Q: What is your favorite 90’s jam?
A: Garth Brooks- Friends in Low Places, definitely.

Q: Most commonly used emoji?
A: Happy hands smiley and kissing face.

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: I would like to clone myself, so I can get everything done!

Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: Boating, 4 wheeling, anything outside!

Q: What is something you are most proud of?
A: My family of course, but also our community. Everyone is so supportive of each other.

Q: What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where food and water were taken care of?
A: My husband and my dog.

Q: What is the funniest thing that happened to you recently?
A: The other day, the lawnmower got stuck in the mud by the road. Neighbors were honking as we were trying to get it out. We went mud riding in our front yard basically!

Q: If you won the lottery, what would be the first 3 things you would purchase or spend money on?
A: Pay our home off, get a condo in Pensacola, FL, and I would gift everyone in my inner circle a million dollars!

Emily nominated Shy Henry


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