Paige Maurin Ochsner Baptist

The People Project:
Paige Maurin

By Ashley & Andrew LeSaicherre | May 5, 2021

Meet Paige Maurin!

Paige is 27 years old, grew up in Laplace, and is the oldest of three kids. She attended University of Louisiana at Lafayette, where she went to nursing school. She lived in Lafayette and worked there after she graduated, then decided to move home. She has been working at Ochsner Baptist for three years. Paige works in the Mother Baby Unit where she takes care of new moms and their babies right after they are born.

We want to thank Paige for spending some time with us and letting us learn about her life and family!

Q: What led you to your current career?
A: When I was in high school, my grandmother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She would always brag on how wonderful her nurses were. I would see how they made such a difference in her life, and loved that. I have always loved babies, so this job is perfect for me. I love chatting with new mothers and taking care of their babies.

Q: What is your favorite restaurant in the area, and what do you like to get there?
A: I love Rock-n-Sake! I always get the garlic salmon roll.

Q: What is your favorite childhood memory?
A: My family had season passes to New Orleans Six Flags, so we would go there as a family a lot. I was always scared to do the bigger roller coasters, but I did eventually.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? And why?
A: I would love to go on a beach getaway to Hawaii! Ever since I saw a Full House episode when I was a kid, I have wanted to go there.

Q: What is the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?
A: Lizzie McGuire, it is such a classic!

Q: What advice would you give to a crowd of people?
A: Savor every moment. Appreciate the little things in life. Never take anything for granted.

Q: What is something on your bucket list?
A: Skydiving!

Q: What is your favorite music or an artist/band that you would like to see (dead or alive)?
A: I would love to see Taylor Swift again! I have seen her twice, she puts on such a great show.

Q: What current or former business makes you the most nostalgic about the area?
A: Fleurty Girl

Q: What is your favorite thing or something unique that you love about the area?
A: I love the food culture in New Orleans. You don't realize how great it is until you travel somewhere and the food is so different. I also love how people are so relaxed and go-with-the-flow.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: I would like to still be working at Ochsner Baptist and married with a kid or two.

Q: What is something interesting that most people don’t know about you (even friends or family)?
A: I am allergic to peanuts. When I was three years old, my grandfather asked me to hand him some peanuts. I broke out in hives when I touched them, so I have been avoiding peanuts and all peanut-related things ever since. I have never had peanut butter, Chick-fil-a or anything cooked in peanut oil.

Q: What is a word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of the word “Home”?
A: Sunday afternoons eating lunch with my grandparents and spending time with them.

Q: If you could have a full-time staff member that is fully paid for, what would that be? (Chef, housekeeper, driver, coach, personal trainer, etc.)
A: No question- a chef!

Q: What is your most commonly used emoji?
A: The smiley face with hands showing excitement.

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: To stop time so I can have 2 more hours of sleep!

Q:What is something you are most proud of?
Being a nurse.

Paige nominated Brittany Prieur.


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